English in the South

Em estoque
The teaching/learning/use of English plays a key role in the geopolitical South. It is important to consider how players in different contexts are impacted by English since globalization and one of its agent, internationalization of higher education, have more positive impacts on the "North" than in the "South" mainly due to a linguistic bias which favors English-speaking countries and those which, despite speaking other native languages, adopted English as the language of instruction. So as to see how these forces are interpreted in the geopolitical South this book offers a glimpse of how English is taught, learned, used and seen in different contexts in Latin America and in the global "South".
Mais informações
Correios Width 16
Correios Height 1
Correios Depth 23
Ano 2019
ISBN 978-85-302-0037-4
Autor(a) Kyria Rebeca Finardi
Edição 1
Editora EDUEL
Idioma Inglês
Ilustradora NULL
Tradutora NULL
Número de páginas 314
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EDUEL - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina - Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid (PR 445), Km 380 - Campus Universitário - CEP: 86057-970 - Londrina - Paraná

FAUEL - Fundação de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da UEL - CNPJ/MF: 03.061.086/0001-50 - Rua Espírito Santo, 1809 - Centro - CEP: 86010-510 - Londrina - Paraná